An alternative to Electroform Stencil, UltraSlic™.
UltraSlic™ FG outperforms all other existing stencil technologies on the market today, and it can be shipped in 48 hours turnaround times.

  • Fine Grain stainless steel with superior fatigue strength, super smooth surface and elevated wear factor
  • Superior paste release below surface area ratios of 0.5
  • Higher performance and lower cost compared to electroform, the option of step stencils
Money blue $410.00
Clock fast Lead Time: 48-Hour Turn
UltraSlic™ Frameless Stencils provide superior aperture registration, higher performance and lower cost compared to electroform, the option of step stencils, and the option of 48 hour turnaround times.
  • Paste release performance comparable to electroform technology
  • Lower standard deviations, higher repeatability and cleaner release of solder paste
  • Reduces storage space requirements
  • Significantly less expensive than UltraSlic™ Framed Stencils
Money blue $360.00
Clock fast Lead Time: 48-Hour Turn